Monday 28 June 2010

Congratulations Eileen!!

On 26th June Eileen climbed her final Wainwright, Brock Crags

Well done from all at Hand In Hand Trust

Monday 21 June 2010

The 214 Challenge

What's the connection with the fells of the Lake District?

There are 214 summits listed by A.Wainwright in hisPictorial guides to the Lakes and it has become a popular challenge to try and climb them all.

Eileen Jones is dedicating her final summit to the Hand inHand Trust and, keeping the same arbitrary number, has launched a fundraising challenge.

The aim is to encourage 214 people to sign up and pledge £10 a month to the Hand in Hand Trust.

There's no deadline or timescale, but we'll be keeping a tally on the figures and will report back regularly on the progress of the challenge.

If you would like sign up please complete the pledge form and return it to us. It will make a huge difference tot he lives of poor families in Peru.